Tsuchiya K. Assessment of extracranial-intracranial bypass by 3D ASL-based non-contrast MRDSA. American Society of Neuroradiology. April 22-27, 2017. Long Beach, California.
Takahashi T, Yamano T, Nishimura K, Utsumi N, Shimbo M, Hatanaka S, Ueno S, Iijima Y. Evaluation of QOL and psychological response in patients treated with palliative radiotherapy. European Society for Radiotherapy & Oncology 36. May 5-9, 2017. Vienna, Austria.
Tsuchiya K, Gomyo M, Ohara A, Katase K. Differential Diagnosis between High-grade Glioma and Lymphoma by Consecutive Acquisition of DCE, MRDSA and DSC Methods by Using a 1.0-M Gadolinium-based Contrast Agent. 40Th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Neuroradiology. September 13th 2017. Malmö, Sweden.
Nakamura N, Kawamori J, Takahashi O, Shikama N, Sekiguchi K, Takahashi T, Kato S, Ogita M, Haga C, Ito R, Nishimura K, Yamano T, Yoshida K, Motegi A, Akimoto T. Palliative radiotherapy for breast cancer with skin invasion: A multi-institutional prospective observational study. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), September 24-27, 2017. San Diego.
Kogue R, Maeda M, Umino M, Tsuchiya K, Sakuma H. Small high-signal lesions adjacent to the intracranial vertebral artery incidentally identified using 3D-FLAIR:an analysis of 150 patients. The 12th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology(AOCNR 2018). March 18-23, 2018.Taiwan.
Watanabe M,Ohara A, Tsuchiya K, Gomyo M, Katase S, Yokoyama K. Application of MRDSA to the Diagnosis of Glomus Tympanum Tumor. The 12th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology(AOCNR 2018). March 18-23, 2018.Taiwan.
Tsuchiya K, Gomyo M, Ohara A, Katase S, Miyazaki I. Assessment of extracranial-intracranial bypass by 3D ASL-based non-contrast MRDSA. The 76th annual meeting of the Japan radiological society. April 13-16, 2017. Yokohama.
Honda N, Osada H, Watanabe W, Ohno H, Shimizu Y, Uehara T, Nishimura K, Yamano T, Takahashi T, Itoh T. Ventilation/perfusion ratio map by Dual-energy CT after Xenon inhalation and intravenous contrast media in patients with lobectomy. The 76th annual meeting of the Japan radiological society. April 13-16, 2017. Yokohama.
Yamano T, Takahashi T, Nishimura K, Washizu K, Souda R, Ueno S, Shimbo M, Hatanaka S, Iijima Y. Evaluation about quality of life and psychophysiological effect in patients treated with palliative radiotherapy for cancer recurrence of metastasis. The 76th annual meeting of the Japan radiological society. April 13-16, 2017. Yokohama.
Hosoi S, Satou H, Hanzawa K, Nakane Y, Numoto K, Tahara T, Tsuchiya K. Assessment of Parameters for Whole-Brain Vessel Wall Imaging Using a T1-Weighted Inversion-Recovery VISTA Sequence at 1.5T.第45回日本磁気共鳴医学大会.2017年9月14~16日、 栃木県総合文化センター・宇都宮東武ホテルグランデ.
Takahashi S, Miyazaki I, Hamada K, Gomyo M, Yokoyama K, Tsuchiya K, Kawano N, Kusahara H. Comparison of Detectability of Intracranial Microbleeds between 3D Gradient-Echo EPI Sequence and FSBB Sequence in Their Optimal Conditions. 第45回日本磁気共鳴医学大会.2017年9月14~16日、 栃木県総合文化センター・宇都宮東武ホテルグランデ.
Honda N. Medical information integration through the use of international standards. The 76th annual meeting of the Japan radiological society. April 13-16, 2017. Yokohama
Ohara A, Tsuchiya K, Gomyo M, Watanabe M, Katase S, Yokoyama K. Brain Metastasis Originating from a Leptomeningeal Lesion:Report of Three Cases. The 12th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology(AOCNR 2018). March 18-23, 2018.Taiwan.
Gomyo M, Tsuchiya K, Miyazaki I, Ohara A, Katase S, Yokoyama K. Serial changes in signal and contrast enhancement of the dissected vertebral artery examined on 3D T1-weighted black-blood imaging. The 12th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology(AOCNR 2018). March 18-23, 2018.Taiwan.
Tsuchiya K. Whole-brain vessel wall imaging: initial clinical experience. The 6th International Congress on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (ICMRI2017) & 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM. March 29-31, 2018. Korea
Tsuchiya K. 47 Neuroradiology 2 : Blood flow. The 76th annual meeting of the Japan radiological society. April 13-16, 2017. Yokohama
Tsuchiya K. Parallel scientific sessions : Diagnostic Ⅲ-Brain tumor. 40Th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Neuroradiology. September 13th 2017. Malmö, Sweden
Tsuchiya K. CNS applications in Diffusion MR imaging. The 12th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology(AOCNR 2018). March 18-23, 2018.Taiwan
Tsuchiya K. Comprehensive Stroke Imaging. The 12th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology(AOCNR 2018). March 18-23, 2018.Taiwan
Tsuchiya K. Risks and Benefits of Gadolinium based Contrast Agents(GdCAs). The 12th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology(AOCNR 2018). March 18-23, 2018.Taiwan
Tsuchiya K. JSMRM-KSMRM Joint Symposium. The 6th International Congress on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (ICMRI2017) & 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting of KSMRM. March 29-31, 2018. Korea